MESTRI-CE - Smart Management and Green Financing for Sustainable and Climate Neutral Buildings in CE

Energy Innovations & Demonstration Projects Smart Cities & Energy Concepts International Projects & Technical Assistance

Project partners

  • North-West Croatia 
  • Regional Energy and Climate Agency (REGEA)
  • Casaclima Energieagentur Südtirol
  • Energieagentur Nordbayern
  • Mazovia Energy Agency
  • Institut Jožef Stefan
  • IPOPEMA Financial Advisory
  • Green Energy Cooperative
  • Funderbeam South-East Europe d.o.o.
  • Energie Agentur Steiermark

Project description

The European Green Deal and the "Renovation Wave Strategy" have identified buildings as a key area for advancing the EU's decarbonization goal. However, inefficient buildings, insufficient high-quality data on building performance and thermal conditions, and a lack of comprehensive tools for sustainable building data management, means that Central Europe is still lagging in implementing the EU renovation goals.

The MESTRI-CE project aims to develop a methodology to support the implementation of new EU requirements, including implementing uniform building standards, adequate data management systems, technical and economic assessments, potential savings predictions, and verification and reporting. Consequently, the MESTRI-CE project establishes a new investment model to finance more climate-friendly buildings that guarantee sustainability.

e7 leads Work Package 1 "Smart Data Management" and supports EASt in implementing activities in Austria. The main task in Work Package 1 will be conducting a thorough market analysis of available building management systems, and leading the development of the MESTRI-CE Smart Data Hub. The Smart Data Hub is a tool that can make a significant contribution to the assessment, classification, and allocation of data and retrofitting measures, all of which can then be applied in pilot projects.

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