Participatory Decarbonisation Roadmap for Vienna's Kahlenbergerdorf

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Project status


Project partners

  • realitylab GmbH
  • Verein zur Förderung der Klimaneutralität im Kahlenbergerdorf (Klimadörfl)

Project description

Initial situation, problems and motivation
The residents of Kahlenbergerdorf, a neighbourhood in Vienna, take responsibility for the next generation and will convert the energy system in the neighbourhood to renewable energy sources. The most important step is the heat transition in the neighbourhood, i.e. the conversion of the natural gas-based heat supply to a renewable heat supply. In order to achieve the heat transition, an integral, carbon-neutral energy concept for heating, cooling and power supply as well as the needs of e-mobility will be developed at the beginning.
Goals and innovation content

The overarching, long-term goal is to transform the Kahlenbergerdorf into a carbon-neutral neighbourhood. Like Austria and Vienna, Kahlenbergerdorf has set itself the goal of being carbon-neutral by 2040. Based on a transformation roadmap for the neighbourhood, the first step is to prepare the implementation of a demonstration project for the urban heat transition in a sub-area of the neighbourhood.

For this purpose, the following objectives are set for the project:

  • Development of a transformation roadmap for a carbon-neutral neighbourhood, which includes concrete technical and innovative measures, a timetable for implementation, the CO2 reduction path as well as relevant actors.
  • Securing acceptance of the planned implementation measures for carbon neutrality through an active participation process among building owners and residents.
  • Development of a business and organisational model Energy Community plus, which, in addition to the PV Energy Community, also takes into account the implementation of the heat transition and new requirements such as room cooling and e-charging stations.
  • Selection of a sub-area for the realisation of a demonstration project for the transformation into a carbon-neutral neighbourhood.

Expected results and findings
The results of the project are roadmaps for the transformation of the entire Kahlenbergerdorf into a carbon-neutral neighbourhood by 2040 and decisions and documents for the start with a pilot area.

The building owners and residents have developed the transformation roadmap themselves - with the support of experts - and have been able to successfully introduce innovative energy technologies and sector coupling and are aware of the impact of the decisions. In the course of the process, a business and organisational model is developed, where the roles and obligations of the individual building owners are defined - in distinction to energy service providers for the construction and operation of the energy system.


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