Subsidy models for low-energy households

Policy Advice & Energy Economics

Project partners

  • Wolfgang Amann, IIBW

Project description

The "Sauber Heizen für Alle" funding programme was launched in 2022 - but only for the private home sector. The term "all" is intended to ensure that poorer sections of the population are also able to take advantage of this funding, which is aimed at decarbonising space heating. The present study has developed models for its implementation in large-volume housing construction. Low-income households live in all housing stock segments, but in different distributions than the average for the population as a whole, with higher proportions in council and private rented flats and lower proportions in owner-occupied and owner-occupied flats. In view of this, the approach was to develop subsidy models for all housing stock segments. They should be able to be implemented quickly without any changes to housing law. Under the current housing law framework, a model for all portfolio segments is not feasible. In the end, 6 subsidy models were developed to maximise the target achievement of households affected by energy poverty.

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