GAMES – Grid Aware Mobility and Energy Sharing

New Construction & Renovation Consulting E-Mobilität Smart Cities & Energy Concepts Energy Services & Business Models

Projekt Partner

  • SUPSI - University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland
  • Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
  • Reichman University
  • Hive Power
  • sun2wheel

Project description

The GAMES project dealt with the question of how fleets of electric vehicles can not only satisfy mobility needs through car sharing, but can also contribute to the provision of flexibility services and thus relieve the burden on the electricity grids. Electric vehicles are potentially valuable resources for storing and providing energy flexibly over time, as they can provide various system services through intelligent and bidirectional charging. In particular at local level, electric vehicles could help to avoid bottlenecks for the distribution grid operator (DSO) and increase self-consumption of renewable energy in energy communities. Fleet managers are promising players in enabling the integration of entire e-fleets into a local energy system - for example through an interface that works together with other systems.

For GAMES, e7 has developed a complex flexibility model that has been implemented as an optimisation model in the software environment GAMS. This allows the monetary potential of smart charging and vehicle-to-grid to be simulated and calculated using real mobility data from existing fleets.

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