IncorporatEE: Sustainable structures for energy efficiency projects in Austrian smart cities

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Project partner

  • SIR: Salzburger Institut für Raumordnung und Wohnen
  • Municipality of Salzburg
  • City of Villach

Project description

Austria boasts international expertise in smart city technologies in terms of the sustainability of buildings and intelligent energy systems and infrastructures. The EU-funded IncorporatEE project will build on this experience in the cities of Salzburg and Villach. By spearheading investments in major renovations, improvement of building services and installation of renewable energy sources in local public buildings, the project aims to achieve energy savings of 55 % and CO2 savings of 65 %.

E7 is leading the development of the Performance-Based Renovation Package, which is specially adapted for the cities. This includes training for municipal employees, financing and remuneration models, a criteria catalogue, and a quality assurance process. All of this leads to an overarching process from planning to commissioning, which can be used as a standard procedure for large-scale renovation projects in Austrian cities.

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