Development of a One-Stop-Shop for the Renovation of Buildings in Vienna
New Construction & Renovation Consulting Energy Services & Business Models
Project partner
- City of Vienna
- UIV Urban Innovation Vienna GmbH
- Wohnfonds Wien - Fund for Housing Construction and Urban Renewal
- Austrian Association of the Real Estate Industry
- Die Wiener Volkshochschulen GmbH
- 17&4 Organizational Consulting GmbH
- Sora Ogris & Hofinger Ltd.
Project description
As part of its Smart City framework strategy, the city of Vienna has committed itself to reducing the energy consumption of the Viennese building by 1% per person and year. After much effort in the field of building renovation in the years 2000 to 2010, there is currently only a small amount of renovation activity. With the RenoBooster project - Smart Renovation Hub Vienna, new solutions are being developed to further strengthen the Viennese renovation market in order to meet the above mentioned energy consumption goals.
The objective of the project is:
A one-stop-shop for owners to provide an attractive and comprehensive range of advice and services related to building renovation. It is necessary for this
- To motivate the key players to build together a structure for integrated renovation services with a viable business model and to move from 'player to stakeholder'
- To enter into permanent renovation partnerships with local key players and companies
- Develop solid and attractive integrated services by expanding and complementing existing services to cover the entire renovation process
- Find tailor-made approaches for different groups of owners from one source (condominiums, apartment-house-owners, single-family homeowners, home-developers, etc.), while taking care of and taking into account energy poverty
- Developing a operating model for a one-stop-shop, a service package and a legal and financial framework including subsidies
- Overall objective: To increase the renovation volume in Vienna (renovation rate)
- Overall OBJECTIVE: To increase the quality of renovations in terms of energy efficiency