DRIMPAC – Business Models and Technologies for Demand Response
Energy Services & Business Models Policy Advice & Energy Economics International Projects & Technical Assistance
- Ethniko Kentro Erevnas Kai Technologikis Anaptyxis (CERTH),
- Siemens SRL,
- Hypertech (Chaipertek),
- Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT),
- Joint Research Centre (JRC)
- SWT Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts der Stadt Trier (SWT),
- My Energia Oner SL (MyEnergia),
- Societe des Regies de l'Arc (SOREA)
- University of Cyprus (UCY),
- Innovaion Energie Durable Societe Nouvelle (INNED),
- Stam SRL (STAM)
Project description
The European energy system currently lacks a major source of demand flexibility that could bring multiple benefits to the system, energy generation and building demand flexibility. This is mainly due to the lack of communication between the grid/market and buildings, and the lack of interoperable smart building management systems that can respond to grid or market signals.
DRIMPAC aims to bridge this gap by creating a unique and universal technological framework that enables end-to-end communication of the information required to identify and provide demand flexibility. At the same time, it improves building management intelligence to coordinate energy production and demand for the mutual benefit of prosumers and the energy system, while maintaining comfortable and healthy living conditions.
DRIMPAC provides a comprehensive solution for consumers to become active participants in energy markets. The project comprises three main pillars:
- A standards-compliant interoperability system to interconnect building energy loads/devices and expose their demand flexibility as price-based demand to the grid or enable aggregation and bidding in the system services market.
- A user-centric, intelligent building energy management system that removes the burden of demand requirements from consumers' shoulders and reduces their reluctance and fear to participate in DR programs. It will draw on user comfort preferences and dynamically manage building loads to minimize energy costs and use for the building occupant through dynamic pricing, while maintaining comfortable and healthy indoor conditions.
- Innovative business models and service offerings for energy retailers to facilitate their transition from commodity suppliers to digital energy service providers and drive the deployment of the DRIMPAC solution online.
The DRIMPAC technology framework and business models are being validated by four retailers supplying three energy sources - electricity, natural gas and district heating - in four different national markets in the EU - France, Cyprus, Germany and Spain. Pilot demonstrations are taking place in a range of building types, including residential, office, education and others, to validate DRIMPAC benefits in most building typologies.
e7 is undertaking the analysis of the existing market for dynamic energy tariffs and developing innovative business models for the DRIMPAC solution developed in the project for end users to actively participate in the energy market.