Green Energy Lab - Spatial Energy Planning for the Heat Transition

Energy Innovations & Demonstration Projects Smart Cities & Energy Concepts Energy Services & Business Models

Project status


Project partners

  • AEE INTEC – Institut für nachhaltige Technologien (Institute for Sustainable Technologies)
  • Amt der Steiermärkischen Landesregierung (State of Styria)
  • Amt der Salzburger Landesregierung (State of Salzburg)
  • Energieagentur Steiermark GmbH (Energy Agency Styria)
  • Energieregion Weiz-Gleisdorf (Energy Region Weiz-Gleisdorf)
  • e7 Energy Market Analyse GmbH (e7 energy innovation & engineering)
  • Gemeinde Bergheim (Community of Bergheim)
  • Gemeinde Grödig (Community of Grödig)
  • Grazer Energieagentur GmbH (Energy Agency Graz)
  • Research Studios Austria Research – Studio iSPACE
  • Salzburger Institut für Raumordnung & Wohnen (SIR) I Stadt Graz – Baudirektion (Salzburg Institute for Spatial Planning & Housing (SIR) I City of Graz - Building Department)
  • Stadt Graz - Baudirektion (City of Graz - Building Department)
  • Stadt Graz – Umweltamt (City of Graz - Environmental Department)
  • Stadt Kapfenberg (City of Kapfenberg)
  • Stadt Salzburg (City of Salzburg)
  • Stadt Wien – MA20 (City of Vienna - MA20)
  • Stadt Zell am See (City of Zell am See)
  • Technische Universität Graz – Institut für Wärmetechnik (Graz University of Technology - Institute of Thermal Engineering)
  • Technische Universität Wien – Energy Economics Group (Vienna University of Technology)
  • UIV Urban Innovation Vienna - Energy Center Wien

Project description

Spatial Energy Planning (SEP) has the potential to fundamentally change the heating sector and integrate innovative, sustainable heating technologies into a future energy system. In the "Spatial Energy Planning" project, planning principles for the spatially optimised development of the heat supply infrastructure were developed, taking into account the local framework conditions, such as the existing energy infrastructure, land use and available energy resources from renewable sources or waste heat.

The foundations created were incorporated into the digital HEATatlas, which shows the complex interrelationships in energy systems and thus makes long-term energy and infrastructure planning possible with greater investment security. In addition, a HEATapp prototype has been programmed that allows automated queries and can be used in three concrete areas of application in public administration: Site development, spatial planning and monitoring of energy strategies.

The federal states of Vienna, Styria and Salzburg were directly involved in the "Spatial Energy Planning" project; the development work was carried out together with a large number of partners from research and selected pioneer municipalities and cities, which provided reliable data for HEATatlas and HEATapp.

Together with cooperation partners, e7 developed methods and concepts for various heat-related aspects such as demand, density, renewable energy potentials (e.g. waste heat and geothermal potential), infrastructure, dynamic aspects of future developments and zoning. e7 was responsible for the heat supply contracting process in a pilot project and developed documents for the heat supply contracting in coordination with possible output data from the HEATapp.

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