Policy Dialogue on Energy Efficiency in Kyrgyzstan
Policy Advice & Energy Economics International Projects & Technical Assistance
Project partner
- Kommunalkredit Austria AG - KPC
- Cooperation with local partner from KyrSEFF
In this project best international practice experience for promotion and support of energy efficiency in different sectors of economy (industry, public infrastructure, power generation and energy market in general) was reviewed and instruments applicable in the context of Kyrgyzstan were suggested. Specific attention focused on experience of EU countries with transposition and implementation of the EU Directives including EU Energy Efficiency Directive, the Eco-design Directive, and other. Furthermore, the existing Law on Energy Savings (LES) was reviewed and discussed with the Committee and/or other relevant Government authorities on the extent and scope of possible amendments.
Based on the outcomes and reflecting provisions from other relevant national legislation (Governmental Program of Energy Saving and Planning Energy Efficiency Policy, Decree on limitation of electricity consumption, etc.) concrete recommendations for amendment of the LES were formulated. Some of recommendations suggested the introduction of market-friendly financial mechanisms applicable in the context of Kyrgyzstan for financing energy and resource efficiency investments in different sectors of economy. In addition, the amendments suggested ensure full harmonisation of the Law on Energy Savings with the new legislation on energy performance of buildings and specifically with the Law on Energy Performance of Buildings. Other recommendations suggested within the Action Plan encompass further fine tuning of the regulatory framework and outline the need of specific secondary and tertiary legislation for implementation of the updated Law on Energy Saving.