Join the ABC 21 webinar on the topic of “Energy and comfort assessment in buildings" on June 9th at the eceee Summer Study 2021!
ABC 21 - Africa & Europe BioClimatic buildings for XXI century - will host a dedicated session at the online conference eceee Summer Study next week, June 9th 2021, at 16h15 CEST. The session will address the topic: "Energy and comfort assessment in buildings: important new advances introduced in international standards. Which implications for EU and African policies?"
All eceee Summer Study attendees are invite to join the ABC 21 webinar and participate in the discussion. More details about the panellist will be posted soon.
- Short presentations explaining the concepts and technical aspects related to the most significant Comfort and Energy indicators, in the framework of energy-efficiency in buildings (30 min).
- Q&A, related to the presentations (5min).
- Panel discussion with invited speakers addressing the question: "How to build on the new energy and comfort developments for needed enhancements of policies in EU and Africa?"
The panellists will join the invited speakers to analyse the current situation, lessons learned and how these new developments might support the development of legislation and regulation in Africa and Europe. Some of the questions addressed are:
- Do policies explicitly declare the comfort scenario/model to be achieved? E.g. the Adaptive comfort model, the new "enhanced air velocity approach"?
- Do policies explicitly mandate reductions of "energy needs for heating and cooling"?
- Do policies allow and promote use of air velocity as a key factor for summer comfort?
- Do policies promote clean, silent, low temperature districts where to build?
- IPCC report on Buildings
- EN-ISO 52000: 2017 - Lorenzo Pagliano/ Silvia Erba/ Andrea Roscetti from Polimi
- ASHRAE 55: 2020 - Salvatore Carlucci /Lorenzo Pagliano
Further details about presentations and speakers will be disclosed on the official ABC 21 web and social media platfroms, LinkedIn and Twitter