Webinar: Social Watt - Mitigating energy poverty in Europe

As part of the H2020 project "SocialWatt", the first WEBINAR with experts from Europe will take place on May 28th, 2020 at 10:00 am.


  • Energy Poverty in Europe: the long journey to understand and mitigate energy poverty
    Prof. Stefan Bouzarovski (University of Manchester)
  • SocialWatt: Utilities designing and implementing innovative schemes to alleviate energy poverty.
    Andriana Stavrakaki (University Athen)
  • How to best make use of Art 7 EDD to tackle Energy Poverty: What are Member States?
    Vlasis Oikonomou (Institute for European Energy and Climate Polic; Netherlands)
  • Getting a utility working with energy poor customers: Security Instalation project and Energy Volunteer program.
    Ester Sevilla (Naturgy Foundation; Spain)
  • Innovative schemes implemented in France Dominique Osso (EDF France) Social Services's important role in alleviating energy poverty: the VERBUND-Strom Funds in Austria.
    Maria Elisabeth Bruckl (Caritas Austria)

Date: May 28th 2020
Time: 10 - 12 am
Language: English

starting now via e-mail to georg.benke@e-sieben.at (limited number of participants)


The SocialWatt Project has received funding from the European Unions´s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No 845905.

Source: SocialWatt