DI (FH) Paul Lampersberger
Partner and Senior Consultant

Paul Lampersberger graduated in "Eco-Energy Technology" at the Campus Wels of the Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences. In his studies, he acquired expertise in the areas of energy generation through renewable energy sources, the implementation of energy concepts and the requirements for energy services.
From 2010 to 2016, he worked for AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, where he was responsible as project manager for the accredited test laboratory "Solar Thermal and Thermal Storage Systems".

Since 2017 he is project manager at e7 energy innovation & engineering. He focuses on the topics of energy efficiency improvement and the use of renewable energies in national and international research and consulting projects. His activities range from the development of energy concepts for buildings and districts to monitoring and quality assurance of the operation of energy and building services systems.
Another field of activity is the implementation of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles and the introduction of new forms of mobility.

In his free time, he enjoys listening to music, playing various sports and spending time in nature with his family.

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